23654 - Giocando nei campi del Signore [ Brasile, Stati Uniti. 1991. Colore. Durata: 189 minuti ] Disponibile Disponibile presso: Agorateca
Titolo originale
At Play in the Fields of the Lord

Diretto da
Hector Babenco

The Saul Zaentz Company

Jean-Claude Carrière

Drammatico, Romantico

Vietato ai minori di 13 anni

A pair of explorers, Lewis Moon and Wolf, become stranded in Mãe de Deus (Portuguese: Mother of God), an outpost in the deep Brazilian Amazon River basin, after their plane runs out of fuel. The local police commander wants the Niaruna tribe, living upriver, to move their village so they won't be killed by gold miners moving into the area and cause trouble for him with the provincial government. The commander cuts a deal with Moon: if he and his fellow mercenary would bomb the Niaruna village from the air and drive them away, they will be given enough gasoline for their airplane to be allowed to leave.

Attori principali
Tom Berenger, Daryl Hannah, John Lithgow

Inglese, Italiano


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