23926 - Seduzione indecente [ Stati Uniti. 1996. Colore. Durata: 88 minuti ] Disponibile Disponibile presso: Agorateca
Titolo originale
Indecent seduction

Diretto da
Alan Metzger

Grossbart Barnett Productions

Diana Gould


Vietato ai minori di 16 anni

Fourteen-year-old high school student, Amy Dustin, becomes an object of romantic affection to the school's biology teacher and football coach, Pete Nash. They take a sudden interest in each other, sending each other notes and talking on the telephone. Although Pete has a family, the two begin a secret relationship. People then begin to suspect that Pete and Amy are having an affair. It is revealed that another reason for the students' gossip is that Pete had trouble in the past concerning an affair with student Missy Ross. He denies these allegations when Amy confronts him about the rumours. One night, she spends the night at Pete's house because Pete convinced his daughter to invite Amy to a sleepover. During the night, Pete wakes Amy up and then convinces her to sleep with him. This upsets her, but she still feels that she is in love with him.

Attori principali
Gary Cole, Davis Mac, Nicholle Tom

Inglese, Italiano


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