37919 - Selected Works [ Stati Uniti. 1976. Colore. Durata: 60 minuti ] Disponibile Disponibile presso: Agorateca
Titolo originale
Selected Works

Voyager Press

Bill Viola

Arte, Documentario, Filosofia / Religione

Per tutti

Bill Viola is recognised around the world as a major figure in video art.
Viola has virtually defined the state of the art for more than a decade and has given the young tradition at least a score of its acknowledged masterpieces.
This collection contains four of Viola's most acclaimed videotapes. These "allegories in the language of subjective perception" illustrate the broad range of invention and technique that Viola brings to bear upon his singular vision of being in the world.
Each is structured around a solitary movement, moment or phenomenon through which Viola explores the nature of video, the categories of perception, the cognitive and spiritual inner life of the witness.
Compounded of many resonances, each level of meaning interwoven with myriad others, these exquisite "visual songs" give us the elegant music of the poet's voice. They not only allow but demand repeated viewing so that their full richness and significance can unfold in the mind's eye, transforming us as all true poetry does.

Attori principali
Bill Viola, AA. VV.



V.O. Inglese

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