402590 - Women Beware Women [ 1983. Solo testo. 112 pagine ] Disponibile Disponibile presso: Agorateca
Titolo originale
Women Beware Women

Thomas Middleton

Ernest Benn Limited


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Women Beware Women tells the story of Brancha, a woman who escapes from her rich home to elope with the poor Leantio. Fearful and insecure, Leantio requires that his mother lock Brancha up while he is away. While locked up, the Duke of Florence spots Brancha in a window and attempts to woo her with the help of Livia, a widow. When Leantio returns he discovers that Brancha has been corrupted and no longer loves him because he lacks wealth and fortune. Hippolito, Livia's brother, is tormented because he is in love with his niece Isabella. Isabella returns the love to her uncle but to keep their relationship a secret Livia encourages Isabella to marry the Ward, a young heir. Busy putting together illegitimate relationships, Livia discovers that she is also able to love again and as a result, she seeks the love of Leantio. However, as affairs and relationships are exposed, one of the bloodiest Jacobean tragedies is created.



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