42856 - Brighton Rock [ Gran Bretagna. 1947. Bianco/Nero. Durata: 115 minuti ] Disponibile Disponibile presso: Agorateca
Titolo originale
Brighton Rock

Diretto da
John Boulting

Studio Canal

Graham Greene, Terence Rattigan


A partire dai 16 anni

Pinkie is the strong arm for a small gang that operates at Brighton's race track. After a newspaper reporter named Fred writes a story that gets the gang leader killed by rivals, Pinky takes over leadership and tracks Fred down, murdering him on an amusement park ride. The police think it a heart attack or suicide. But Pinky still wants to cover his tracks and gets one of his gang members, Spicer, to take care of the matter. But Spicer accidentally leaves a clue that could unravel the murder—a clue that a waitress named Rose discovers. So Pinkie murders Spicer. He also courts and marries Rose so she can’t testify against him. But then, with self-appointed amateur sleuth Ida Arnold asking a lot of questions about Fred's murder, and the larger rival gang taking over racetrack racketeering, Pinky decides he needs to kill Rose, too, before leaving town. So he convinces her that he will soon be caught and go to the gallows, and therefore the two should commit suicide together. He gives Rose a gun with which to kill herself, promising he’ll kill himself next. Out of love for Pinky she reluctanty agrees and almost follows through. But a member of Pinky's gang turns on him and helps the police stop her just in time before Pinky commits suicide by throwing himself off the pier. But afterwards Rose persists in believing that Pinky really loved her.

Attori principali
Richard Attenborough, Hermione Baddeley, Graham Greene

Francese, Inglese


1947 - Versione Originale

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