43532 - The Prince and the Pauper [ Stati Uniti. 1937. Bianco/Nero. Durata: 118 minuti ] Disponibile Disponibile presso: Agorateca
Titolo originale
The Prince and the Pauper

Diretto da
William Keighley

Palladium Film

Laird Doyle, Mark Twain

Avventura, Drammatico

Per tutti

Error Flynn stars in this superb piece of Hollywood magic. Claude Rains plays the evil Earl of Hertford. Flynn's real life drinking pal Alan Hale is the Captain of the Guard. Eric Portman. Barton MacLane, Montagu Love and a Host of classic Hollywood screen supporting stars are in this adaptation of Huckleberry Finn author Mark Twain's story of two boys the long-awaited male heir male heir to the throne of England, Edward Tudor, son of Henry VII the other Tom Canty and Edward were born in London on the same day.
Canty an impoveryshed street urchin, Edward Tudor the heir to the throne of England played y the Mauch twins who change clothes and identities in this magnificent cinema portrayal of England in the time of Henry the Eighth. The Street scenes in particular are alive with magnificent detail.
Flynn plays the King's rescuer Miles Hendon some two years after he portrayed Robin Hood with Hale as Little John.
This is a tale of changed identities, a morality, play containing some of the screen's greatest moments providing great family viewing.

Attori principali
Errol Flynn, Claude Rains, Henry Stephenson, Mauch Twins



Versione Originale

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