The Tudors
Diretto da
Michael Hirst
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Peace Arch Entertainment Group, Reveille Productions
Michael Hirst
Drammatico, Romantico, Serie Tv, Storico
Vietato ai minori di 14 anni
The life of the young Henry VIII, King of England, is anything but easy. While his wife can not give him a male heir, Enrico tries to vent his sexual desires out of the wedding bed. The sovereign must also guard against intrigues and betrayals of the court: those who call themselves legitimate heir to the throne try to impede him in every way, and the king is responsible for assessing how to face the challenge of his cousin king of France.
Attori principali
Anthony Brophy, Guy Carleton, Henry Cavill, Padraic Delaney, Natalie Dormer, Maria Doyle Kennedy, James Frain, Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Inglese, Spagnolo
Versione originale inglese - Stagione 1 - Disco 2 - Episodi 4-6
60 minuti all'episodio. Versione originale inglese. Riconoscimenti 2007-Primetime Emmy Awards: -Primetime Emmy-Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music: Trevor Morris (main title theme music by) (vincitore) -Primetime Emmy-Outstanding Costumes for a Series: Joan Bergin (costume designer), Ger Scully (costume supervisor) and Jess O'Leary (costume supervisor) (vincitori) -Primetime Emmy-Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series: Nuala Moiselle (casting by), Frank Moiselle (casting by), Mary Jo Slater (us casting consultant) and Steve Brooksbank (us casting consultant) (candidati) -Primetime Emmy-Outstanding Art Direction for a Single Camera Series: Tom Conroy (production designer), Alan Gilmore (art director) and Eliza Solesbury (set decorator) (candidati). 2007-Canadian Cinema Editors Awards: -Best Editing in Long Form Television Series: Lisa Grootenboer (vincitrice). Altri premi e riconoscimenti