49209 - Don Camillo en Russie [ Francia. 2004. Bianco/Nero. Durata: 99 minuti ] Disponibile Disponibile presso: Agorateca
Titolo originale
Don Camillo en Russie

Diretto da
Luigi Comencini

Studio Canal

Luigi Comencini, Giovanni Guareschi


Per tutti

The village of mayor Peppone and Don Camillo, after much dispute, gets a assigned a sister village in Russia. When Peppone and his comrades decide to attend the ceremony on the other side of the iron curtain, Don Camillo wants to join. Peppone is strictly against this but after Don Camillo threatens him to disclose information about an earlier side step the mayor agrees. Don Camillo arranges for false papers: He is now comrade Tarocci. Only Peppone and the other villagers know who he really is. In Russia the agenda includes various cultural events: Ballet, Opera, a fishing competition and various parties...

Attori principali
Fernandel , Gino Cervi, Gianni Garko, Leda Gloria, Saro Urzì

Francese, Italiano

Lingue sottotitoli
Francese, Inglese, Spagnolo


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